Package network

Class VNFgraph


public class VNFgraph
extends java.lang.Object
VNF forwarding graph class
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    (package private) int banddemand
    default bandwidth demand in case it is not defined
    (package private) Codec codec  
    (package private) int cpudemand
    default cpu demand in case it is not defined
    (package private) int defedgew
    default edge weight in case it is not defined
    (package private) int defnodew
    default node weight in case it is not defined
    int edges
    number of edges
    (package private) int[] edgew
    edge weights
    (package private) java.lang.String filename
    name of file VNFgraph
    (package private) int[] graph
    graph in Edge Vector format
    int maxacedgew
    maximum accumulated edge weight
    int maxedgew
    maximum edge weight
    int maxnodew
    maximum node weight
    int minedgew
    minimum edge weight
    int minnodew
    minimum node weight
    (package private) int[] nodeacw
    node accumulated weights
    int nodes
    number of nodes
    (package private) int[] nodesort
    sorted nodes
    (package private) int[] nodew
    node weights
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    VNFgraph​(java.lang.String filename)  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    int cpugetdemand()
    get total capacity demand
    void demands()
    updates minimum and maximum demand values
    int getbanddemand()
    get total bandwidth demand
    int getedges()
    get number of edges
    int[] getedgew()
    get bandwidth demands for all edges
    int[] getgraph()
    get graph in Edge Vector format
    int getmaxacedgew()
    get maximum bandwidth demand
    int getmaxnodew()
    get maximum capacity demand
    int getminedgew()
    get minimum bandwidth demands
    int getminnodew()
    get minimum capacity demand
    int[] getnodeacw()
    computes the total bandwidth demands for all nodes
    int getnodeacw​(int i)
    get the total bandwidth demands form the links connected in given node
    int getnodedem​(int w)
    get demand for single virtual node
    int getnodes()
    get number of nodes
    int[] getnodew()
    get capacity demands for all nodes
    int getsortednode​(int i)
    get sorted nodes
    void loadEdgeVector​(java.lang.String filename)
    load graph from file in edge vector format
    void loadedgew​(java.lang.String filename)
    load edge demands from file
    void loadnodew​(java.lang.String filename)
    load node demands from file
    void nodeacw()
    computes the total bandwidth demands of all the virtual links connected on every VNF
    void nodedemsort()
    sorts nodes in ascending order based on their capacity demands

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • graph

      int[] graph
      graph in Edge Vector format
    • nodew

      int[] nodew
      node weights
    • edgew

      int[] edgew
      edge weights
    • nodeacw

      int[] nodeacw
      node accumulated weights
    • nodesort

      int[] nodesort
      sorted nodes
    • edges

      public int edges
      number of edges
    • nodes

      public int nodes
      number of nodes
    • maxnodew

      public int maxnodew
      maximum node weight
    • maxedgew

      public int maxedgew
      maximum edge weight
    • maxacedgew

      public int maxacedgew
      maximum accumulated edge weight
    • minnodew

      public int minnodew
      minimum node weight
    • minedgew

      public int minedgew
      minimum edge weight
    • defnodew

      int defnodew
      default node weight in case it is not defined
    • defedgew

      int defedgew
      default edge weight in case it is not defined
    • cpudemand

      int cpudemand
      default cpu demand in case it is not defined
    • banddemand

      int banddemand
      default bandwidth demand in case it is not defined
    • filename

      java.lang.String filename
      name of file VNFgraph
    • codec

      Codec codec
  • Constructor Details

    • VNFgraph

      public VNFgraph​(java.lang.String filename)
  • Method Details

    • nodedemsort

      public void nodedemsort()
      sorts nodes in ascending order based on their capacity demands
    • demands

      public void demands()
      updates minimum and maximum demand values
    • nodeacw

      public void nodeacw()
      computes the total bandwidth demands of all the virtual links connected on every VNF
    • loadEdgeVector

      public void loadEdgeVector​(java.lang.String filename)
      load graph from file in edge vector format
    • loadnodew

      public void loadnodew​(java.lang.String filename)
      load node demands from file
    • loadedgew

      public void loadedgew​(java.lang.String filename)
      load edge demands from file
    • getedges

      public int getedges()
      get number of edges
    • getnodes

      public int getnodes()
      get number of nodes
    • getmaxnodew

      public int getmaxnodew()
      get maximum capacity demand
    • getmaxacedgew

      public int getmaxacedgew()
      get maximum bandwidth demand
    • getminnodew

      public int getminnodew()
      get minimum capacity demand
    • getminedgew

      public int getminedgew()
      get minimum bandwidth demands
    • getgraph

      public int[] getgraph()
      get graph in Edge Vector format
    • getnodew

      public int[] getnodew()
      get capacity demands for all nodes
    • getedgew

      public int[] getedgew()
      get bandwidth demands for all edges
    • getnodedem

      public int getnodedem​(int w)
      get demand for single virtual node
    • getnodeacw

      public int getnodeacw​(int i)
      get the total bandwidth demands form the links connected in given node
    • getnodeacw

      public int[] getnodeacw()
      computes the total bandwidth demands for all nodes
    • cpugetdemand

      public int cpugetdemand()
      get total capacity demand
    • getbanddemand

      public int getbanddemand()
      get total bandwidth demand
    • getsortednode

      public int getsortednode​(int i)
      get sorted nodes