Package controller

Class Main


public class Main
extends java.lang.Object
Network Controller
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    (package private) network.Codec cod  
    (package private) int duration
    VNF life cycle duration
    (package private) java.lang.String filename  
    (package private) int iterations
    number of iterations
    (package private) int k
    k parameter; different usage in different topologies
    (package private) int links
    network elements
    (package private) network.Network net
    network object
    (package private) java.lang.Double nodecapacity
    node CPU capacity
    (package private) parametersfile
    parameters file
    (package private) java.lang.String path
    path to simulation log files
    (package private) int r1
    specify the VNFgraph file names
    (package private) int r2
    specify the VNFgraph file names
    (package private) int racks
    network elements
    (package private) int servers
    network elements
    (package private) int servperrack
    servers per rack
    (package private) int switches
    network elements
    (package private) java.lang.String type
    network type
    (package private) java.lang.String vnfgraphs
    path to VNFgraph files
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void init()
    Initialize simulation
    static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)  
    void setparameters()
    read simulation parameters from file

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • net

      network.Network net
      network object
    • type

      java.lang.String type
      network type
    • racks

      int racks
      network elements
    • switches

      int switches
      network elements
    • servers

      int servers
      network elements
    • cod

      network.Codec cod
    • path

      java.lang.String path
      path to simulation log files
    • vnfgraphs

      java.lang.String vnfgraphs
      path to VNFgraph files
    • parametersfile parametersfile
      parameters file
    • servperrack

      int servperrack
      servers per rack
    • k

      int k
      k parameter; different usage in different topologies
    • duration

      int duration
      VNF life cycle duration
    • iterations

      int iterations
      number of iterations
    • nodecapacity

      java.lang.Double nodecapacity
      node CPU capacity
    • filename

      java.lang.String filename
    • r1

      int r1
      specify the VNFgraph file names
    • r2

      int r2
      specify the VNFgraph file names
  • Constructor Details

    • Main

      public Main()
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)
    • setparameters

      public void setparameters()
      read simulation parameters from file
    • init

      public void init()
      Initialize simulation