Package sfc_a

Class Best


public class Best
extends java.lang.Object
store the best fitness and mapping
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    private int[] avcap
    available capacity
    private double bestfitness
    fitness of current best mapping
    private java.lang.String[] bestmapping
    current best mapping
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Best​(int f)  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    int[] getavcap()
    get available capacity
    double getbestfitness()
    get best fitness
    int[] getbestmapping()
    get best solution mapping
    void setavcap​(int ind, int c)
    set available capacity
    void setbestfitness​(double newfit)
    set best fitness
    void setbestmapping​(int[] ma)
    set best solution mapping
    void stats()

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • bestmapping

      private java.lang.String[] bestmapping
      current best mapping
    • bestfitness

      private double bestfitness
      fitness of current best mapping
    • avcap

      private int[] avcap
      available capacity
  • Constructor Details

    • Best

      public Best​(int f)
  • Method Details

    • getbestfitness

      public double getbestfitness()
      get best fitness
    • setbestfitness

      public void setbestfitness​(double newfit)
      set best fitness
    • setavcap

      public void setavcap​(int ind, int c)
      set available capacity
    • getavcap

      public int[] getavcap()
      get available capacity
    • stats

      public void stats()
    • getbestmapping

      public int[] getbestmapping()
      get best solution mapping
    • setbestmapping

      public void setbestmapping​(int[] ma)
      set best solution mapping