Package sfc_b

Class Tuning


public class Tuning
extends java.lang.Object
orchestrates the tuning of the Embedding Genetic Algorithm by running the Parameter Adjustment Genetic Algorithm
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    (package private) boolean checked
    are parameter and profiel files checked?
    (package private) network.VNFgraph cnet2
    (package private) java.lang.String[] command
    tokens of the PAGA variables
    (package private) double crossprob
    PAGA parameter
    GA_b ga
    object that implements the PAGA
    (package private) int generations
    PAGA parameter
    (package private) double mutprob
    PAGA parameter
    (package private) java.lang.String p
    names of the settings and profile files
    (package private) int[][] parameter_dom
    variable domains
    (package private) network.Network pnet2
    substrate network
    (package private) int population
    PAGA parameter
    (package private) java.lang.String s
    names of the settings and profile files
    (package private) int supergenerations
    PAGA parameter
    (package private) java.lang.String target
    tokens of the PAGA variables
    (package private) java.lang.String[] tokens
    tokens of the PAGA variables
    (package private) java.lang.String[][] variables
    tokens of the PAGA variables
    (package private) boolean wait
    should wait for PAGA procedure to wait?
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    construct Tuning and input parameters and variables from files
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void checkfiles​(java.lang.String p, java.lang.String s)
    checks if files exit and if they are valid
    void checkvars()
    checks the validity of profile and settings files
    private void initga()  
    void initTuning()
    initialize tuning procedure
    void loadgraphs​(network.VNFgraph incnet, network.Network inpnet)
    load substrate netowkr and VNFgraph
    void setprofile​( pr)
    loads profile from file
    void setsettings​( st)
    loads settings from file
    boolean shouldwait()
    should wait for PAGA procedure to wait?

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • p

      java.lang.String p
      names of the settings and profile files
    • s

      java.lang.String s
      names of the settings and profile files
    • population

      int population
      PAGA parameter
    • generations

      int generations
      PAGA parameter
    • supergenerations

      int supergenerations
      PAGA parameter
    • crossprob

      double crossprob
      PAGA parameter
    • mutprob

      double mutprob
      PAGA parameter
    • checked

      boolean checked
      are parameter and profiel files checked?
    • wait

      boolean wait
      should wait for PAGA procedure to wait?
    • command

      java.lang.String[] command
      tokens of the PAGA variables
    • tokens

      java.lang.String[] tokens
      tokens of the PAGA variables
    • target

      java.lang.String target
      tokens of the PAGA variables
    • variables

      java.lang.String[][] variables
      tokens of the PAGA variables
    • parameter_dom

      int[][] parameter_dom
      variable domains
    • ga

      public GA_b ga
      object that implements the PAGA
    • pnet2

      network.Network pnet2
      substrate network
    • cnet2

      network.VNFgraph cnet2
  • Constructor Details

    • Tuning

      public Tuning()
      construct Tuning and input parameters and variables from files
  • Method Details

    • loadgraphs

      public void loadgraphs​(network.VNFgraph incnet, network.Network inpnet)
      load substrate netowkr and VNFgraph
    • initga

      private void initga()
    • initTuning

      public void initTuning()
      initialize tuning procedure
    • shouldwait

      public boolean shouldwait()
      should wait for PAGA procedure to wait?
    • checkfiles

      public void checkfiles​(java.lang.String p, java.lang.String s)
      checks if files exit and if they are valid
    • setsettings

      public void setsettings​( st)
      loads settings from file
    • setprofile

      public void setprofile​( pr)
      loads profile from file
    • checkvars

      public void checkvars()
      checks the validity of profile and settings files