Package sfc_a

Class MainGA

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MainGA
extends java.lang.Thread
determine GA parameters and initialize simulation
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    (package private) class  MainGA.tuningthread
    thread that runs tuning procedure (PAGA)

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Thread

    java.lang.Thread.State, java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    (package private) adl
    file to store the adaptation of the optimal setup found by PAGA in the functionality of the GA
    (package private) network.VNFgraph cnet
    VNFgraph - cnet
    (package private) int crpr
    Genetic Algorithm parameters
    (package private) int dd2
    VNFgraph length
    (package private) Setup defsetup
    default setup
    (package private) boolean deletedb
    set to true to delete previous knowledge of PAGA
    (package private) int duration
    embedded VNF maximum life cycle duration
    (package private) java.lang.String EVpath
    path to stored SFCs
    (package private) GA ga
    Genetic Algorithm
    (package private) int generations
    Genetic Algorithm parameters
    (package private) int genes
    Genetic Algorithm parameters
    (package private) int iteration  
    (package private) int iterations
    number of iterations, in each iteration one request is computed
    (package private) Kdb kdb
    PAGA setup database
    (package private) kdbf
    kdb storage file
    (package private) int mupr
    Genetic Algorithm parameters
    (package private) int netclasses
    number of classes of the network based on traffic load
    (package private) int netstat  
    (package private) boolean paga
    set true to use PAGA
    (package private) java.lang.String path
    path to log files
    (package private) network.Network pnet
    substrate network - pnet
    (package private) int pnodes
    Genetic Algorithm parameters
    (package private) boolean popgenheuristic
    use population generation heuristic
    (package private) int r1
    specify the VNFgraph file names
    (package private) int r2
    specify the VNFgraph file names
    (package private) boolean rejection
    is last request rejected?
    (package private) int supergen
    Genetic Algorithm parameters
    (package private) Tuning tuning
    GA tuning mechanism (PAGA)

    Fields inherited from class java.lang.Thread

  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    MainGA​(network.Network net, Setup setup)
    initialize network object, setup database, delete old log files
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void init()
    initialize simulation
    void initsim1​(network.VNFgraph vnfgraph, int r, int d)
    simulation stage 1
    void initsim2​(Setup su)
    simulation stage 2
    boolean isrejected()
    is request rejected?
    void setboolparams​(boolean[] boolparams)
    set boolean parameters for using PAGA and population generation heuristic and for deleting previous stored setups in kdb
    void setduration​(int d)
    set duration
    void setEVpath​(java.lang.String s)
    set path to the stored VNFgraph files
    void setiterations​(int i)
    set simulation iterations
    void setnetclasses​(int cl)
    set number of netclasses
    void setr1r2​(int ra1, int ra2)
    set parameters that determine VNFgraph filenames

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Thread

    activeCount, checkAccess, clone, countStackFrames, currentThread, dumpStack, enumerate, getAllStackTraces, getContextClassLoader, getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, getId, getName, getPriority, getStackTrace, getState, getThreadGroup, getUncaughtExceptionHandler, holdsLock, interrupt, interrupted, isAlive, isDaemon, isInterrupted, join, join, join, onSpinWait, resume, run, setContextClassLoader, setDaemon, setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, setName, setPriority, setUncaughtExceptionHandler, sleep, sleep, start, stop, suspend, toString, yield

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • pnodes

      int pnodes
      Genetic Algorithm parameters
    • genes

      int genes
      Genetic Algorithm parameters
    • generations

      int generations
      Genetic Algorithm parameters
    • supergen

      int supergen
      Genetic Algorithm parameters
    • mupr

      int mupr
      Genetic Algorithm parameters
    • crpr

      int crpr
      Genetic Algorithm parameters
    • r1

      int r1
      specify the VNFgraph file names
    • r2

      int r2
      specify the VNFgraph file names
    • dd2

      int dd2
      VNFgraph length
    • netstat

      int netstat
    • iteration

      int iteration
    • ga

      GA ga
      Genetic Algorithm
    • kdb

      Kdb kdb
      PAGA setup database
    • deletedb

      boolean deletedb
      set to true to delete previous knowledge of PAGA
    • paga

      boolean paga
      set true to use PAGA
    • popgenheuristic

      boolean popgenheuristic
      use population generation heuristic
    • defsetup

      Setup defsetup
      default setup
    • tuning

      Tuning tuning
      GA tuning mechanism (PAGA)
    • netclasses

      int netclasses
      number of classes of the network based on traffic load
    • cnet

      network.VNFgraph cnet
      VNFgraph - cnet
    • pnet

      network.Network pnet
      substrate network - pnet
    • iterations

      int iterations
      number of iterations, in each iteration one request is computed
    • duration

      int duration
      embedded VNF maximum life cycle duration
    • rejection

      boolean rejection
      is last request rejected?
    • EVpath

      java.lang.String EVpath
      path to stored SFCs
    • path

      java.lang.String path
      path to log files
    • kdbf kdbf
      kdb storage file
    • adl adl
      file to store the adaptation of the optimal setup found by PAGA in the functionality of the GA
  • Constructor Details

    • MainGA

      public MainGA​(network.Network net, Setup setup)
      initialize network object, setup database, delete old log files
  • Method Details

    • setduration

      public void setduration​(int d)
      set duration
    • setiterations

      public void setiterations​(int i)
      set simulation iterations
    • setEVpath

      public void setEVpath​(java.lang.String s)
      set path to the stored VNFgraph files
    • setnetclasses

      public void setnetclasses​(int cl)
      set number of netclasses
    • setr1r2

      public void setr1r2​(int ra1, int ra2)
      set parameters that determine VNFgraph filenames
    • setboolparams

      public void setboolparams​(boolean[] boolparams)
      set boolean parameters for using PAGA and population generation heuristic and for deleting previous stored setups in kdb
    • init

      public void init()
      initialize simulation
    • initsim1

      public void initsim1​(network.VNFgraph vnfgraph, int r, int d)
      simulation stage 1
    • initsim2

      public void initsim2​(Setup su)
      simulation stage 2
    • isrejected

      public boolean isrejected()
      is request rejected?