Package sfc_ft_c

This package contains the classes of a Genetic Algorithm similar to the algorithm in the package sfc_a. It is used by the PAGA for computing the fitness of various setups that are stored in the chromosomes of the population of PAGA. The "Best_c" implements the current best solution. The "Chromosome_c" implements chromosomes for the GA. The "GA_c" implements the Ganetic Algorithm. The "Last_c" implements the last stored mapping. The"Mapping_c" implements the mapping between virtual and physical resources.
  • Class Summary
    Class Description
    store the best fitness and mapping
    Edge Vector graph representation coder and doceder
    Genetic Algorithm, used by PAGA for computing the fitness of candidate setups
    Store mapping to which the population has last converged
    the mapping between the VNF and the substrate network