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activethreads - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
Check for active threads
adaptation(double) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Kdb
create log file of how close are the retrieved setups to optimal
addsetup(Setup) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Kdb
add setup to db
adl - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
file to store the adaptation of the optimal setup found by PAGA in the functionality of the GA
adl - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.Kdb
availnodes - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
available nodes; nodes capable to host the minimum capacity VNF of the chain
availnodes - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
available nodes; nodes capable to host the minimum capacity VNF of the chain
availnodes - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.Mapping
available nodes, substrate nodes that have enough available capacity to host the minimum demand VNF
availnodes - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
available nodes; nodes capable to host the minimum capacity VNF of the chain
availnodes - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.Mapping_c
available nodes, substrate nodes that have enough available capacity to host the minimum demand VNF
avcap - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.Best
available capacity
avcap - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.Mapping
available capacity
avcap - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.Best_c
available capacity
avcap - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.Mapping_c
available capacity
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