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ga - Variable in class sfc_a.MainGA
Genetic Algorithm
ga - Variable in class sfc_b.Tuning
object that implements the PAGA
GA - Class in sfc_a
Genetic Algorithm
GA(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sfc_a.GA
GA(Network) - Constructor for class sfc_a.GA
GA_b - Class in sfc_b
Parameter Adjustment Genetic Algorithm
GA_b() - Constructor for class sfc_b.GA_b
GA_b(int, int, int, String[], String[], double, double, int[][], String, VNFgraph, Network) - Constructor for class sfc_b.GA_b
ga_c - Variable in class sfc_b.GA_b
GA_c - Class in sfc_c
Genetic Algorithm, used by PAGA for computing the fitness of candidate setups
GA_c() - Constructor for class sfc_c.GA_c
GA_c(int, int, int, int, int, VNFgraph, Network) - Constructor for class sfc_c.GA_c
construct GA object on input of running parameters, virtual topology and substrate network
GA.supergenthread - Class in sfc_a
Thread for the parallel computation of the GA within supergenerations loop
GA2 - Class in sfc_a
Instance of the Genetic Algorithm for the parallel computation of supergenerations
GA2(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sfc_a.GA2
GA2(Network) - Constructor for class sfc_a.GA2
genchromefit(Chromosome_b) - Method in class sfc_b.GA_b
compute and store fitness of a single chromosome
genefitness(Mapping) - Method in class sfc_a.GA
compute fitness on given mapping
genefitness(Mapping) - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
compute fitness on given mapping
genefitness(Mapping_c) - Method in class sfc_c.GA_c
compute fitness on given mapping
genefitness_experimental1(Mapping) - Method in class sfc_a.GA
compute fitness on given mapping experimental version 1
genefitness_experimental2(Mapping) - Method in class sfc_a.GA
compute fitness on given mapping experimental version 2
generations - Variable in class controller.Main
GA parameters; populations size; supergenerations; crossover and mutation probabilities
generations - Variable in class sfc_a.GA
GA parameters
generations - Variable in class sfc_a.GA2
GA parameters
generations - Variable in class sfc_a.MainGA
Genetic Algorithm parameters
generations - Variable in class sfc_a.Setup
Genetic Algorithm parameter
generations - Variable in class sfc_b.GA_b
PAGA parameter, even numbers only
generations - Variable in class sfc_b.Tuning
PAGA parameter
generations - Variable in class sfc_c.GA_c
GA parameters
genes - Variable in class sfc_a.MainGA
Genetic Algorithm parameters
genes - Variable in class sfc_b.Chromosome_b
the phenotype of the chromosome
genfit() - Method in class sfc_a.GA
compute fitness for population
genfit() - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
compute fitness for population
genfit() - Method in class sfc_b.GA_b
computes and stores the fitness of each cromosome
genfit() - Method in class sfc_c.GA_c
compute fitness for population
genfit1() - Method in class sfc_b.GA_b
computes fitness for pop
genfit1(Mapping[]) - Method in class sfc_a.GA
compute and store fitness on chromosome
genfit1(Mapping[]) - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
compute and store fitness on chromosome
genfit1(Mapping_c[]) - Method in class sfc_c.GA_c
compute and store fitness on chromosome
genfit2() - Method in class sfc_b.GA_b
compute fitness for population generated by crossover and mutation (pop2)
genpop() - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
determines the nodes that will be used for population generation
genpop() - Method in class sfc_b.GA_b
determines the nodes that will be used for population generation
genpop() - Method in class sfc_c.GA_c
determines the nodes that will be used for population generation
genpop_v1() - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
generation of random population without the use of a heuristic
genpop2() - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
generates population
genpop2() - Method in class sfc_c.GA_c
generates population
getavcap() - Method in class sfc_a.Best
get available capacity
getavcap() - Method in class sfc_a.Mapping
get available capacity
getavcap() - Method in class sfc_c.Best_c
get available capacity
getavcap() - Method in class sfc_c.Mapping_c
get available capacity
getbest() - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
getbest2() - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
getbestfitness() - Method in class sfc_a.Best
get best fitness
getbestfitness() - Method in class sfc_b.Best_b
get best fitness
getbestfitness() - Method in class sfc_c.Best_c
get best fitness
getbestmapping() - Method in class sfc_a.Best
get best solution mapping
getbestmapping() - Method in class sfc_c.Best_c
get best solution mapping
getbestphenotype() - Method in class sfc_b.Best_b
get best solution
getfitness() - Method in class sfc_a.Mapping
get fitness
getfitness() - Method in class sfc_b.Chromosome_b
get fitness
getfitness() - Method in class sfc_c.Mapping_c
get fitness
getgenes() - Method in class sfc_b.Chromosome_b
get phenotype
getlastfitness() - Method in class sfc_a.Last
get last best fitness
getlastfitness() - Method in class sfc_c.Last_c
get last best fitness
getlastmapping() - Method in class sfc_a.Last
get last best mapping
getlastmapping() - Method in class sfc_c.Last_c
get last best mapping
getmapping() - Method in class sfc_a.Mapping
get mapping
getmapping() - Method in class sfc_c.Mapping_c
get mapping
getmnode(int) - Method in class sfc_a.Mapping
get mapped node
getpop() - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
getpop2() - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
getpops() - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
getpops2() - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
getSetup() - Method in class sfc_a.Setup
get setup
getstringmap() - Method in class sfc_a.Mapping
mapping to string
getstringmap() - Method in class sfc_b.Chromosome_b
phenotype to string
getstringmap() - Method in class sfc_c.Mapping_c
mapping to string
gettotaltime() - Method in class sfc_a.GA
get runtime
gettotaltime() - Method in class sfc_a.GA2
get runtime
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