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sendmessage(Message, int) - Method in class controller.DCController
Send messages to servers.
sendmessage(Message, int) - Method in class controller.HyperController
Send messages to servers.
servercnt - Variable in class controller.DCController
Measures the cluster nodes sent to each server.
servercnt - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Measures the cluster nodes sent to each server.
servperrack - Variable in class controller.DCController
Servers per rack.
servperrack - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Servers per rack.
setclustersize(int) - Method in class controller.DCController
Set cluster size.
setclustersize(int) - Method in class controller.HyperController
Set cluster size.
setdisclose(boolean) - Method in class controller.HyperController
Set disclosure
setduration(int) - Method in class controller.DCController
Set VNF lifecyle.
setduration(int) - Method in class controller.HyperController
Set VNF lifecyle.
setiteration(int) - Method in class controller.DCController
Set iteration.
setiteration(int) - Method in class controller.HyperController
Set iteration.
setmapping(int[]) - Method in class controller.DCController
Set latest computed mapping
setmapping(int[]) - Method in class controller.HyperController
Set latest computed mapping.
setmaxsfcsize(int) - Method in class controller.Agent
Set maximum sfc size equals the output of the algorithm.
setmaxsfcsize(int) - Method in class controller.DCController
Set maximum node size.
setmaxsfcsize(int) - Method in class controller.HyperController
Set maximum node size.
setmode(double) - Method in class controller.DCController
Set mode.
setnetid(int) - Method in class controller.DCController
Set domain id.
setprintmapping(boolean) - Method in class controller.DCController
Set true to print the output on screen.
setprintmapping(boolean) - Method in class controller.HyperController
Set true to print the output on screen.
setspatial(boolean) - Method in class controller.DCController
Apply or deprecate spatial constraints.
setspatial(boolean) - Method in class controller.HyperController
Apply or deprecate spatial constraints.
setsubgraphid(int) - Method in class controller.HyperController
Set subgraph id when the controller processes a VNF-subgraph that is a part of the incoming request
solfound - Variable in class controller.DCController
Solution found?
solfound - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Solution found?
solution - Variable in class controller.Agent
solutionew - Variable in class controller.DCController
Solution edge weights in Edge Vector indexing.
solutionew - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Solution edge weights in Edge Vector indexing.
spatial - Variable in class controller.DCController
Are there spatial constraints?
spatial - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Are there spatial constraints?
sr - Variable in class controller.DCController
Size of servers registry.
sr - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Size of domain registry.
start() - Method in class controller.DCController.agentthread
start() - Method in class controller.HyperController.agentthread
storedatainfile(String) - Method in class controller.Agent
Store data in a file.
storemodel(int, String) - Method in class controller.DCController
Store model.
storemodel(int, String) - Method in class controller.HyperController
Store model.
subgraphid - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Subrequest id, when set >-1 the Hypergraph controller processes a VNF-subgraph par of the incoming request
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