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m - Variable in class controller.Agent
Artificial Neural Network for machine learning algorithm
mapping - Variable in class controller.DCController
Produced mapping.
mapping - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Latest produced mapping for last incoming request.
maxdem - Variable in class controller.Agent
maximum node demand
maxsfcsize - Variable in class controller.Agent
maximum sfc size equals the output of the algorithm
maxsfcsize - Variable in class controller.DCController
Maximum SFC size
maxsfcsize - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Maximum SFC size
mindem - Variable in class controller.Agent
minimum node demand
mode - Variable in class controller.DCController
Agent modes
mode - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Agent modes
msg0 - Variable in class controller.DCController
Messages to the agents.
msg0 - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Messages to the agents.
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