
A C D E F G H I M N O P R S T V 
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fitness - Variable in class controller.Agent
output fitness
fitness - Variable in class controller.DCController
Solution fitness.
fitness - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Solution fitness.
flag0(Double[]) - Method in class controller.Agent
Flag0 of incoming messages.
flag1(Double[]) - Method in class controller.Agent
Flag1 of incoming messages.
flag2(int) - Method in class controller.Agent
Flag2 of incoming messages.
flag3() - Method in class controller.Agent
Flag3 of incoming messages.
flag4(int) - Method in class controller.Agent
Flag4 of incoming messages.
fnodes - Variable in class controller.DCController
Parameter to define cluster size.
fnodes - Variable in class controller.HyperController
Parameter to define cluster size.
A C D E F G H I M N O P R S T V 
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