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- best - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
current best solution
- best - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
current best solution
- best - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
preserves best solution on each stage
- best - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
current best solution
- Best - Class in sfc_ft_a
store the best fitness and mapping
- Best(int) - Constructor for class sfc_ft_a.Best
- Best_b - Class in sfc_ft_b
store the best fitness and solution
- Best_b(int) - Constructor for class sfc_ft_b.Best_b
- Best_c - Class in sfc_ft_c
store the best fitness and mapping
- Best_c(int) - Constructor for class sfc_ft_c.Best_c
- best2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
best solution produce by the supergenerations
- best2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
best solution produce by the supergenerations
- best2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
best solution produce by supergenerations
- bestfitness - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.Best
fitness of current best mapping
- bestfitness - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.Best_b
fitness of current best solution
- bestfitness - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.Best_c
fitness of current best mapping
- bestmapping - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.Best
current best mapping
- bestmapping - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.Best_c
current best mapping
- bestphenotype - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.Best_b
current best solution
All Classes|All Packages