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- s - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA.supergenthread
- s - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.Tuning
names of the settings and profile files
- selection() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA
- selection() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
- selection() - Method in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
- selection() - Method in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
- setavcap(int, int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Best
set available capacity
- setavcap(int, int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Mapping
set avialable capacity
- setavcap(int, int) - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Best_c
set available capacity
- setavcap(int, int) - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Mapping_c
set available capacity
- setavnodes(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
set available nodes
- setbestfitness(double) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Best
set best fitness
- setbestfitness(double) - Method in class sfc_ft_b.Best_b
set best fitness
- setbestfitness(double) - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Best_c
set best fitness
- setbestmapping(int[]) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Best
set best solution mapping
- setbestmapping(int[]) - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Best_c
set best solution mapping
- setbestphenotype(int[]) - Method in class sfc_ft_b.Best_b
set best solution
- setboolparams(boolean[]) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
set boolean parameters for using PAGA and population generation heuristic and for deleting previous stored setups in kdb
- setduration(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
set duration
- setduration(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA
set SFC lifetime
- setduration(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
set SFC lifetime
- setEVpath(String) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
set path to the stored VNFgraph files
- setfitness(double) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Mapping
set fitness
- setfitness(double) - Method in class sfc_ft_b.Chromosome_b
set fitness
- setfitness(double) - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Mapping_c
set fitness
- setgenes(int[]) - Method in class sfc_ft_b.Chromosome_b
set phenotype
- setid(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
set iteration id
- setid(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA
set iteration id
- setiterations(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
set simulation iterations
- setlastfitness(double) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Last
set last best fitness
- setlastfitness(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Last_c
set last best fitness
- setlastmapping(int[]) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Last
set last best mapping
- setlastmapping(int[]) - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Last_c
set last best mapping
- setmapping(int[]) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Mapping
set mapping
- setmapping(int[]) - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Mapping_c
set mapping
- setnetclasses(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
set number of netclasses
- setparams(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
set GA parameters
- setpopgenheuristic(boolean) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA
set true to enable population generation heuristic, set false to disable
- setpopgenheuristic(boolean) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
set true to enable population generation heuristic, set false to disable
- setprofile(File) - Method in class sfc_ft_b.Tuning
loads profile from file
- setr1r2(int, int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
set parameters that determine VNFgraph filenames
- setsettings(File) - Method in class sfc_ft_b.Tuning
loads settings from file
- setup - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
Running parameter setup
- Setup - Class in sfc_ft_a
setup for Genetic Algorithm
- Setup(double, double, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sfc_ft_a.Setup
construct Genetic Algorithm parameter setup
- setwait(boolean) - Method in class sfc_ft_b.Tuning
- sfc_ft_a - package sfc_ft_a
The Genetic Algorithm that performs the SFC Embedding.
- sfc_ft_b - package sfc_ft_b
The Parameter Adjustment Genetic Algorithm which optimizes the performance of the Embedding GA.
- sfc_ft_c - package sfc_ft_c
This package contains the classes of a Genetic Algorithm similar to the algorithm in the package sfc_a.
- shouldwait() - Method in class sfc_ft_b.Tuning
should wait for PAGA procedure to wait?
- start() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller.tuningthread
- start(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA.supergenthread
- stats() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Best
- stats() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Mapping
mapping statistics
- stats() - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Best_c
- stats() - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Mapping_c
mapping statistics
- strtomap(String[]) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Mapping
string to map
- strtomap(String[]) - Method in class sfc_ft_b.Chromosome_b
string to map
- strtomap(String[]) - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Mapping_c
string to map
- superbest(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA
save generation best solution
- superbest(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
save generation best solution
- superbest(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
stores the best solution of the current generation for the next stage of the algorithm
- superbest(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
save generation best solution
- superbest2(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA
save supergeneration best solution
- superbest2(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
save supergeneration best solution
- superbest2(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
stores the best solution of the current generation for the next stage of the algorithm
- superbest2(int) - Method in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
save supergeneration best solution
- supergen - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
Genetic Algorithm parameters
- supergen - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
GA parameters
- supergen - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
GA parameters
- supergen - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
PAGA supergeneration parameter, even numbers only set supergen=1 for simple GA configuration
- supergen - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
GA parameters
- supergenerations - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.Tuning
PAGA parameter
- supergens - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.Setup
Genetic Algorithm parameter
- supergenthread() - Constructor for class sfc_ft_a.GA.supergenthread
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