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- p - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.Tuning
names of the settings and profile files
- paga - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
set true to use PAGA
- parameter_dom - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
parameter domains
- parameter_dom - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.Tuning
variable domains
- params - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
parameter names
- path - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
path to log files
- path2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.Kdb
- pnet - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
substrate network
- pnet - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
substrate network
- pnet - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
substrate network
- pnet - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
- pnet - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
substrate network
- pnet2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller.tuningthread
- pnet2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.Tuning
substrate network
- pnodes - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
Genetic Algorithm parameters
- pnodes - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
VNF nodes
- pnodes - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
VNF nodes
- pnodes - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.Mapping
substrate network nodes (pnodes)
- pnodes - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
VNF nodes
- pnodes - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.Mapping_c
substrate network nodes (pnodes)
- pop - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
arrays for storing populations
- pop - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
arrays for storing populations
- pop - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
population arrays
- pop - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
arrays for storing populations
- pop2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
arrays for storing populations
- pop2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
arrays for storing populations
- pop2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
population arrays
- pop2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
arrays for storing populations
- popgenheuristic - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
use population generation heuristic
- popgenheuristic - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
set true to use population generation heuristic
- popgenheuristic - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
set true to use population generation heuristic
- popgenheuristic - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
set true to use population generation heuristic
- pops - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
arrays for storing populations
- pops - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
arrays for storing populations
- pops - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
population arrays
- pops - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
arrays for storing populations
- pops2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
arrays for storing populations
- pops2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
arrays for storing populations
- pops2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
population arrays
- pops2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
arrays for storing populations
- population - Variable in class sfc_ft_b.Tuning
PAGA parameter
- printbest() - Method in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
print current generation best solution
- printgenes() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA
print population
- printgenes() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
print population
- printgenes() - Method in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
print population
- printlastbest() - Method in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
print current overall best solution
- printmapping - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
print mapping on screen
- printmapping - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
print mappings on screen
- printmapping(boolean) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
print mapping on screen
- printmapping(boolean) - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA
print mapping on screen
- printparams() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA
print GA parameters
- printparams() - Method in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
print GA parameters
- printpop() - Method in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
prints population of the current generation
- printsuper() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA
print super best
- printsuper() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
print super best
- printsuper() - Method in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
print super best
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