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- r1 - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
specify the VNFgraph file names
- r2 - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
specify the VNFgraph file names
- randomgeneration(int[][]) - Method in class sfc_ft_b.Chromosome_b
generate random chromosome values
- randommapping() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Mapping
generate random mapping, no constraints are considered
- randommapping() - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Mapping_c
generate random mapping, no constraints are considered
- randommapping2() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.Mapping
generate random mapping, considering node available capacity
- randommapping2() - Method in class sfc_ft_c.Mapping_c
generate random mapping, considering node available capacity
- range() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA
compute the range in the fitness of the population
- range() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
compute the range in the fitness of the population
- range() - Method in class sfc_ft_b.GA_b
computes the range in the fitness of the population
- range() - Method in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
compute the range in the fitness of the population
- rejection - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller
is last request rejected?
- rejection - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA
is last request rejected?
- rejection - Variable in class sfc_ft_a.GA2
is last request rejected?
- rejection - Variable in class sfc_ft_c.GA_c
is last request rejected?
- run() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.DCcontroller.tuningthread
- run() - Method in class sfc_ft_a.GA.supergenthread
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