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activation - Variable in class functions.Functions
activation(double) - Method in class functions.Bipolarsigm
Bipolar sigmoid function.
activation(double) - Method in class functions.Hypertansigm
Hyperbolic Tangent Function.
activation(double) - Method in class functions.Linear
Linear function.
activation(double) - Method in class functions.ReLU
Rectified Linear Unit Function.
activation(double) - Method in class functions.Sigm
Sigmoid function.
activation(double) - Method in class functions.Threshold
Activation threshold.
activation(double) - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Select activation function.
addinfrom(int) - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Add node to receive input from.
addinput(Double) - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Add input in ArrayList.
addoutto(int) - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Add node to output to.
allnodes - Variable in class nnetwork.Topology
ANNMain - Class in nnetwork
Operates the neural network.
ANNMain() - Constructor for class nnetwork.ANNMain
ANNMain(String) - Constructor for class nnetwork.ANNMain
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