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id - Variable in class nnetwork.Node
init() - Method in class ga.GA
Initialize Genetic Algorithm.
init() - Method in class ga.Init_ga
Initialize procedure.
init() - Method in class nnetwork.ANNMain
Init_ga - Class in ga
Set parameters for Genetic Algorithm
Init_ga(NNetwork, Double[], int, int) - Constructor for class ga.Init_ga
Init_ga(NNetwork, String, String, int) - Constructor for class ga.Init_ga
init2() - Method in class ga.GA
Initialize genetic procedures.
initializebest() - Method in class ga.GA
Initialize the object that stores the best solution in each team and group.
initializelastbest() - Method in class ga.GA
Initialize the object that stores the best overall solution.
inodes - Variable in class nnetwork.Topology
input - Variable in class ga.GA
input - Variable in class ga.Init_ga
inputfrom - Variable in class nnetwork.Node
inputs - Variable in class nnetwork.ANNMain
inputs - Variable in class nnetwork.Node
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