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parameter_dom - Variable in class ga.GA
parameter_dom - Variable in class ga.Init_ga
params - Variable in class ga.GA
pop - Variable in class ga.GA
pop2 - Variable in class ga.GA
pops - Variable in class ga.GA
pops2 - Variable in class ga.GA
population - Variable in class ga.Init_ga
pr - Variable in class nnetwork.ANNMain
printbest() - Method in class ga.GA
Print current generation best solution.
printlastbest() - Method in class ga.GA
Print current overall best solution.
printnet(NNetwork) - Method in class nnetwork.ANNMain
Print network description, structure and elements.
printnetstat() - Method in class nnetwork.ANNMain
Print statistics.
printpop() - Method in class ga.GA
Prints population of the current generation.
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