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s - Variable in class nnetwork.Node
save2file() - Method in class nnetwork.Topology
selection() - Method in class ga.GA
setbestfitness(double) - Method in class ga.Best
set best fitness
setbestphenotype(int[]) - Method in class ga.Best
set best solution (phenotype)
setbias(double) - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Set bias.
setclustersize(int) - Method in class nnetwork.ANNMain
set size of substrate nodes cluster
setclustersize(int) - Method in class nnetwork.NNetwork
set size of substrate nodes cluster
setew(double[]) - Method in class nnetwork.NNetwork
Set link weights.
setfitness(double) - Method in class ga.Chromosome
Set fitness.
setgenes(int[]) - Method in class ga.Chromosome
Set phenotype.
setid(int) - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Set node ID.
setparams() - Method in class ga.Init_ga
Set optimization parameters.
setsettings(File) - Method in class ga.Init_ga
Loads settings from file.
setsettingsfile(String) - Method in class ga.Init_ga
Set GA settings file
setstoredmodel(String) - Method in class nnetwork.ANNMain
set model storage filename
settingsfile - Variable in class ga.Init_ga
settype(String) - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Set node type.
Sigm - Class in functions
Sigm() - Constructor for class functions.Sigm
sqerr - Variable in class nnetwork.NNetwork
sqerror(Double[], int) - Method in class nnetwork.NNetwork
Compute square error.
storedata(String) - Method in class datasets.Makeaset
store generated dataset in a file
storedmodel - Variable in class ga.GA
storedmodel - Variable in class nnetwork.ANNMain
storemodel(String) - Method in class ga.GA
Store model.
strtomap(String[]) - Method in class ga.Chromosome
String to map.
subnettype - Variable in class nnetwork.ANNMain
superbest(int) - Method in class ga.GA
Stores the best solution of the current generation for the next stage of the algorithm.
superbest2(int) - Method in class ga.GA
Stores the best solution of the current generation for the next stage of the algorithm.
supergen - Variable in class ga.GA
supergenerations - Variable in class ga.Init_ga
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