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- ga - package ga
The genetic algorithm that trains the neural network.
- GA - Class in ga
Genetic Algorithm.
- GA() - Constructor for class ga.GA
- GA(int, int, int, String[], String[], double, double, int[][], String, NNetwork, Double[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class ga.GA
- GA(int, int, int, String[], String[], double, double, int[][], String, NNetwork, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class ga.GA
- ga_train(Double[], int) - Method in class nnetwork.ANNMain
Train network using Genetic Algorithm.
- genchromefit(Chromosome) - Method in class ga.GA
Computes and store fitness of a single chromosome.
- generate() - Method in class datasets.Makeaset
generate random dataset given the number of record
- generate(int, int, double, double) - Method in class datasets.Makeaset
generate random dataset; define parameters
- generate2() - Method in class datasets.Makeaset
generate random dataset
- generations - Variable in class ga.GA
- generations - Variable in class ga.Init_ga
- genes - Variable in class ga.Chromosome
The phenotypo of the chromosome.
- genfit() - Method in class ga.GA
Computes and stores the fitness of each chromosome.
- genfit1() - Method in class ga.GA
Computes fitness for pop.
- genfit2() - Method in class ga.GA
Compute fitness for pop2.
- genpop() - Method in class ga.GA
Generates population randomly.
- genpop_heur() - Method in class ga.GA
Generates population heuristically.
- getbestfitness() - Method in class ga.Best
get best fitness
- getbestphenotype() - Method in class ga.Best
get best solution (phenotype)
- getbias() - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Get bias.
- getcum() - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Get cumulative output.
- getcurrentmodel() - Method in class nnetwork.ANNMain
get current model
- getev() - Method in class nnetwork.Topology
Get link weights.
- getew() - Method in class nnetwork.NNetwork
Get link weights.
- getfitness() - Method in class ga.Chromosome
Get fitness.
- getgenes() - Method in class ga.Chromosome
Get phenotype.
- getid() - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Get node ID.
- getinput(int) - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Get input from ArrayList.
- getinputfrom() - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Get inputs from connected nodes.
- getintputs() - Method in class nnetwork.ANNMain
get number of intput nodes
- getlower() - Method in class nnetwork.Topology
Get lower bound of link weights.
- getnet() - Method in class nnetwork.ANNMain
get network.
- getnodetype() - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Get node type.
- getonodes() - Method in class nnetwork.Topology
Get output nodes.
- getoutput() - Method in class nnetwork.NNetwork
Print NN output.
- getoutputs() - Method in class nnetwork.ANNMain
get number of output nodes
- getoutto() - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Get outpu to connected nodes.
- getset(int) - Method in class datasets.TrainingSet
get dataset
- getsize() - Method in class datasets.TXTFile
- getstringmap() - Method in class ga.Chromosome
Get phenotype as string array
- gettopo() - Method in class nnetwork.NNetwork
Get topology.
- gettype() - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Get node type.
- getupper() - Method in class nnetwork.Topology
Get upper bound of link weights.
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