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change(int, int) - Method in class ga.Chromosome
Change one value of the chromosome.
changem(int, int) - Method in class ga.Chromosome
Change one value of the chromosome and return phenotype.
checked - Variable in class ga.Init_ga
checkfiles(String) - Method in class ga.Init_ga
Checks if files exit and if they are valid.
chromes - Variable in class ga.GA
Chromosome - Class in ga
A chromosome of the population.
Chromosome(double[]) - Constructor for class ga.Chromosome
Initialize this chromosome on given mapping.
Chromosome(int) - Constructor for class ga.Chromosome
Initialize the phenotype of this chromosome.
Chromosome(int[]) - Constructor for class ga.Chromosome
Initialize this chromosome on given mapping.
Chromosome(int[][], int) - Constructor for class ga.Chromosome
Generates random parameter values.
Chromosome(int[][], int, int) - Constructor for class ga.Chromosome
Generates heuristic parameter values.
Chromosome(int, int[]) - Constructor for class ga.Chromosome
Initialize the object on given phenotype and fitness
Chromosome(String[]) - Constructor for class ga.Chromosome
Initialize object on given mapping.
clearinputs() - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Clear inputs.
clustersize - Variable in class nnetwork.ANNMain
clustersize - Variable in class nnetwork.NNetwork
cod - Variable in class nnetwork.NNetwork
cod - Variable in class nnetwork.Topology
Codec - Class in nnetwork
Encodes and decodes graph in the Edge Vector format.
Codec() - Constructor for class nnetwork.Codec
coder(int, int) - Method in class nnetwork.Codec
On input of two nodes, you get the place of their edge on the vector.
command - Variable in class ga.Init_ga
crossover() - Method in class ga.GA
crossprob - Variable in class ga.GA
crossprob - Variable in class ga.Init_ga
cum - Variable in class nnetwork.Node
cum() - Method in class nnetwork.Node
Compute node cumulative output.
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