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addcpuload(Double) - Method in class network.Server
add cpu load
addload(Double) - Method in class network.Link
set current traffic load
addmemload(Double) - Method in class network.Server
add memory load
addserverintlink(int, int, int, int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
add server intra-rack link
addstorl(Double) - Method in class network.Server
add storage load
addsuccessful() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
Add request in successful counter.
addsuccessful() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
Add request in successful counter.
addswitchlink(int, int, int, int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
add server inter-rack link
addvnf() - Method in class network.Server
add a VNF
agent - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
domain agent object for distributed multiagent computing; create an agent object and cast it here
agent - Variable in class network.Server
agent object for distributed multiagent computing; create an agent object and cast it here
aggregate() - Method in class services.Broker
generates mapping for the whole request from subgraph mappings
avcapacity - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
avcapacity - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
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