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segbands - Variable in class services.VNFgraph
bandwidth demands for links between partitions
segflows - Variable in class services.VNFgraph
ingress and outgress data flows for subgraphs that are defined as partitions of a larger graph for every node in the partiion set 0 if the node is not part of an ingress or outgress data flow; set 1 for ingress flow; 2 for outgress flow; 3 for bidirectional flows with other partitions
Server - Class in network
Network Server
Server(int, int) - Constructor for class network.Server
construct server by providing rackid and server id
serverreg() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
server registry index in edge vector of the paths that interconnect all servers
servers - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
number of servers in network
servers - Variable in class network.Make
network elements
servers - Variable in class network.Rack
IDs of the servers in the rack
services - package services
Implementations of network services.
servperdomain - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
servers per domain
servperrack - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
servers per rack
servperrack - Variable in class network.Make
servers per rack
servreg - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
server registry
servregsort() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
server registry sort servers registry based on their hop-count on descending order computationally efficient version using Bucket Sort algorithm
servregsortold() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
server registry sort servers registry based on their hop-count on descending order computationally expensive version
setcapacity(Double) - Method in class network.Link
set capacity
setcpu(Double) - Method in class network.Server
set total CPU capacity
setdomain(String) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
set domain name
setdomain(String) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
set domain name
setduration(int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
set VNF lifecycle duration
setduration(int) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
set VNF lifecycle duration
setfilename(String) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
set log file name
setfilename(String) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
set log file name
sethypergraph(String) - Method in class network.Make
set fileneame of hypergraph edge vector graph representation
sethypergraphparams() - Method in class network.Make
make multi-domain network parameters from hypergraph.evind description
setid(int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
set domain id
setid(int) - Method in class network.Switch
set id
setid(int) - Method in class services.SFC
set id
setintrarack() - Method in class network.Link
define this link as intra-rack link
setiteration(int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
Set iteration.
setiteration(int) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
Set iteration.
setmapping(int[]) - Method in class services.VNFgraph
set mapping as computed by the controller
setparams(Double, Double, Double) - Method in class network.Server
set CPU, memory and storage parameters
setpartitioning(int[]) - Method in class services.VNFgraph
set partitioning array, used when this VNFgraph object represents a partition of a larger VNF-graph the partitioning array maps the VNFs of this graph as nodes of the larger graph
setpath(String) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
path where the log files are stored
setpath(String) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
path where the log files are stored
setpod(int) - Method in class network.Rack
set pod id
setrejection(boolean) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
Set rejection
setspatial - Variable in class services.Stakeholder
setspatial() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
set spatial constraints on or off
setspatialconstraint(boolean) - Method in class services.VNFgraph
set spatial constraints on or off
setstorestats(boolean) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
store statistics upon a successful embedding
setstorestats(boolean) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
store statistics upon a successful embedding
settype(int) - Method in class network.Link
set link type
settype(String) - Method in class network.Switch
set switch type
SFC - Class in services
Embedded Service Function Chain
SFC(ArrayList<Double[]>, ArrayList<Double[]>) - Constructor for class services.SFC
SFC(ArrayList<Double[]>, ArrayList<Double[]>, int, int, Double) - Constructor for class services.SFC
SFC(ArrayList<Double[]>, ArrayList<Double[]>, int, int, Double, int) - Constructor for class services.SFC
shownetstats() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
print network statistics
shownetstats() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
print network statistics
sortservac - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
servers sorted by available capacity
sortservac - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
servers sorted by available capacity
spatial - Variable in class services.VNFgraph
spatial constraints, preferred domains
Stakeholder - Class in services
Stakeholder(int, String, String) - Constructor for class services.Stakeholder
storage - Variable in class network.Server
storage in GBytes
storerejectstats() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
store network statistics after rejecting a request
storerejectstats() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
store network statistics after rejecting a request
storestats - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
Store statistics in a log file.
storestats - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
Store statistics in log a file.
storestats() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
store network statistics
storestats() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
store network statistics
storload - Variable in class network.Server
storage load in GBytes
subgraphs - Variable in class services.Broker
successful - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
successfully embedded requests
successful - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
successfully embedded requests
Switch - Class in network
network switch
Switch(int) - Constructor for class network.Switch
construct switch, set its id
switches - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
switches - Variable in class network.Make
network elements
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