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net - Variable in class network.Make
network object
net - Variable in class services.Broker
substrate network, hypergraph
nets - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
netstats() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
network statistics link traffic and CPU load
netstats() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
network statistics link traffic and CPU load
network - package network
The Network simulator.
newvnfgraph - Variable in class services.Broker
aggregated VNF-graph
nodeacw - Variable in class services.VNFgraph
node accumulated weights
nodeacw() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
computes the total bandwidth demands of all the virtual links connected on every VNF
nodecapsort() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
sorts nodes in ascending order based on their available capacity
nodecapsort() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
sorts nodes in ascending order based on their available capacity
nodedemsort() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
sorts nodes in ascending order based on their capacity demands
nodes - Variable in class services.VNFgraph
number of nodes
nodesort - Variable in class services.VNFgraph
sorted nodes
nodew - Variable in class services.VNFgraph
node weights
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