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- generatetraffic(Double, Double, Double) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
add random traffic when random variable is smaller than prob, random traffic is added to nodes and their links
- gengraph(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class services.VNFgraph
generate random VNF-graph
- getagent() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get agent object hosted in the server
- getagent() - Method in class network.Server
get agent object hosted in the server
- getavailableband() - Method in class network.Link
get available bandwidth
- getavailablecpu() - Method in class network.Server
get available CPU capacity
- getavailablenodecpu() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get available cpu
- getavailablenodecpu(double, double) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get cpu availability, check if a request can be served if not the function returns the available capacity for the request
- getavcapacity() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get available capacity
- getavcapacity() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get available capacity
- getband() - Method in class services.SFC
get bandwidth demands
- getband(int, int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
return the available bandwidth of the link connecting given nodes
- getband(int, int) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
return the available bandwidth of the link connecting given nodes
- getbanddemand() - Method in class services.SFC
get in-server virtual traffic
- getbanddemand() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get total bandwidth demand
- getcapacity() - Method in class network.Link
get capacity
- getconnected() - Method in class network.Link
get the nodes connected by the link
- getconnections() - Method in class network.Switch
print connected servers
- getcons() - Method in class network.Switch
get connected servers
- getcontroller() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get network controller
- getcontroller() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get network controller
- getcpu() - Method in class network.Server
get total CPU capacity
- getcpu() - Method in class services.SFC
get capacity demands
- getcpuload() - Method in class network.Server
get total CPU load
- getdomain(int) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get FT domain
- getdomainpath(int, int) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get domain path
- getdomains() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get number of servers
- getdomreg(int) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get single record from server registry
- getdomregistry() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
getr server registry
- getduration() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get VNF lifecycle duration
- getduration() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get VNF lifecycle duration
- getduration() - Method in class services.SFC
get duration lifecycle
- getedges() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get number of edges
- getedgew() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get bandwidth demands for all edges
- getembeddedSFCs() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get embedded SFCs
- getembeddedSFCs() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get embedded SFCs
- geterrmess() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get error message
- geterrmess() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get error message
- getgatewaypath(int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
returns the path between a server and the nearest gateway
- getgraph() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get graph in Edge Vector format
- gethopcount(int, int) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
- gethypergraph() - Method in class network.Make
return hypergraph network
- gethypernodegraph() - Method in class services.Broker
- gethypernodemapping() - Method in class services.Broker
- getid() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get id
- getid() - Method in class network.Link
get link id
- getid() - Method in class network.Server
get id
- getid() - Method in class network.Switch
get id
- getid() - Method in class services.SFC
get id
- getid() - Method in class services.Stakeholder
- getids() - Method in class network.Rack
print rack and TOR switch ids
- getinserver() - Method in class services.SFC
get in-server virtual traffic
- getintrarack() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
- getiteration() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
Get iteration.
- getiteration() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
Get iteration.
- getlink(int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get link
- getlink(int) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get link
- getlinks() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get number of links
- getlinks() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get number of links
- getload() - Method in class network.Link
get current traffic load
- getmapping() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get stored mapping
- getmaxacedgew() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get maximum bandwidth demand
- getmaxnodew() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get maximum capacity demand
- getmemload() - Method in class network.Server
get memory load
- getmemory() - Method in class network.Server
get memory
- getmessage() - Method in class network.Message
return message
- getminavailablenodecpu(double) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get available cpu; considers the servers that can host the minimum demand VNF
- getminedgew() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get minimum bandwidth demands
- getminnodew() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get minimum capacity demand
- getnet() - Method in class network.Make
return generated network
- getnetlinks() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
- getnodeacw() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
computes the total bandwidth demands for all nodes
- getnodeacw(int) - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get the total bandwidth demands form the links connected in given node
- getnodedem(int) - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get demand for single virtual node
- getnodepath(int, int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
- getnodes() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get number of nodes
- getnodew() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get capacity demands for all nodes
- getnumofembedded() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get number of embedded VNFs
- getnumofembedded() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get number of embedded VNFs
- getouterrack() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
- getpartitioning() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
when this VNFgraph object represents a partition of a larger VNF-graph get the partitioning array that maps the VNFs of this graph as nodes of the larger graph
- getpod() - Method in class network.Rack
get pod id
- getrack(int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get rack id
- getrackid() - Method in class network.Server
get rack id
- getracks() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
Get number of racks.
- getremintra() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
- getremouter() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
- getreqcost() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get request cost
- getreqrevenue() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get request revenue
- getsegbands() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get bandwidth demands between partitions
- getsegflows() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get flows between partitions
- getserver(int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get one server object
- getserver(int) - Method in class network.Rack
get a single server
- getserverpath(int, int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
returns the path between two given nodes
- getservers() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get number of servers
- getservers() - Method in class network.Rack
get number of servers
- getservperdomain() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get server per domain
- getservperrack() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get server per rack
- getservreg(int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get single record from server registry
- getservregistry() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
getr server registry
- getsetspatial() - Method in class services.Stakeholder
- getsortednode(int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get single node in sorted list
- getsortednode(int) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get single node in sorted list
- getsortednode(int) - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get sorted nodes
- getspatial() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get spatial constraints
- getstorage() - Method in class network.Server
get storage
- getsubgraphs() - Method in class services.Broker
- getswitchpath(int, int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
returns the path between two given switches
- gettor() - Method in class network.Rack
get TOR switch id
- gettotalcpu() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get total CPU
- gettotalcpu() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get total CPU
- gettype() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get network type
- gettype() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get network type
- gettype() - Method in class network.Link
get link type
- gettype() - Method in class network.Switch
get switch type
- getusedcpu() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get used CPU
- getusedcpu() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get used CPU
- getvnf(int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
get single embedded SFC
- getvnf(int) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
get single embedded SFC
- getvnfgraphs() - Method in class services.Stakeholder
- getvnfs() - Method in class network.Server
get number of embedded VNFs
- graph - Variable in class services.VNFgraph
graph in Edge Vector format
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