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vnfcnter - Variable in class network.Server
VNF counter
vnfgraph - Variable in class services.Broker
VNFgraph - Class in services
VNF forwarding graph class
VNFgraph(int[], int[], int[], int[], int[], int[], int[]) - Constructor for class services.VNFgraph
VNFgraph(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class services.VNFgraph
VNFgraph(String) - Constructor for class services.VNFgraph
vnfgraphs - Variable in class services.Stakeholder
vnfstats() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
network statistics link traffic and CPU load
vnfstats() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
network statistics link traffic and CPU load
vnfstats(Double, Double, Double, int) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
cost of embedding, it accumulates computational load and traffic added to the network
vnfstats(Double, Double, Double, int) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
cost of embedding, it accumulates computational load and traffic added to the network
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