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partitioning - Variable in class services.Broker
the index of every subgraph node in the VNF-graph
partitioning - Variable in class services.VNFgraph
maps this graph as a partition of a larger graph stores for every node of this graph, its place (node ID) in the larger graph
path - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
path to store log file
path - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
path to store log file
path - Variable in class network.Make
path to store log files
pod - Variable in class network.Rack
pod id if defined in network topology
printaggregated() - Method in class services.Broker
printclasses() - Method in class services.Broker
printel() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
print network parameters
printel() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
print network parameters
printel2() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
print network parameters shorter
printel2() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
print network parameters shorter
printlinks() - Method in class network.FTnetwork
print links
printlinks() - Method in class network.Hypergraph
print links
printnetstats - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
print on screen network statistics
printnetstats - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
print on screen network statistics
printsegments() - Method in class services.Broker
printSFCstats - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
print on screen embedded SFC statistics
printSFCstats - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
print on screen embedded SFC statistics
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