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- c2r - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
cost / reveneu ratio
- capacity - Variable in class network.Link
link capacity in Gbps
- checkembed(VNFgraph, int[]) - Method in class network.FTnetwork
check the validity of embedding of input VNF-graph based on generated mapping
- checkembed(VNFgraph, int[]) - Method in class network.Hypergraph
check the validity of embedding of input VNF-graph based on generated mapping
- classes - Variable in class services.Broker
classes of VNFs that have the same constraints
- classnodes - Variable in class services.Broker
index of nodes in every class
- cod - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
Edge Vector coder-decoder
- cod - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
Edge Vector coder-decoder
- cod - Variable in class network.Make
Edge Vector coder-decoder
- codec - Variable in class services.Broker
Edge Vector codec
- codec - Variable in class services.VNFgraph
- Codec - Class in network
encodes and decodes graphs in the Edge Vector format
- Codec() - Constructor for class network.Codec
- coder(int, int) - Method in class network.Codec
on input of two nodes, you get the place of their edge on the vector
- compose() - Method in class services.Broker
composes graph partitions in one VNF-graph
- connectedto - Variable in class network.Switch
IDs of connected nodes
- connetto(int) - Method in class network.Switch
add serverx connected to the switch
- controller - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
network controller object; create a controller object and cast it here
- cpu - Variable in class network.FTnetwork
- cpu - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
- cpu - Variable in class network.Server
total server capacity in GHz
- cpudemand - Variable in class services.VNFgraph
default cpu demand in case it is not defined
- cpugetdemand() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
get total capacity demand
- cpuload - Variable in class network.Server
total CPU load in GHz
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