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hasspatial - Variable in class services.VNFgraph
does it have spatial constraints?
hasspatial() - Method in class services.VNFgraph
are there spatial constraints?
hg - Variable in class network.Make
multi-domain network represented as a hypergraph
hgname - Variable in class network.Make
fileneame of hypergraph edge vector graph representation
HPcontroller - Variable in class network.Hypergraph
network controller object; create a controller object and cast it here
Hypergraph - Class in network
Multi-domain Hypergraph representation class
Hypergraph() - Constructor for class network.Hypergraph
Hypergraph(String, FTnetwork[], int[], double, int) - Constructor for class network.Hypergraph
constructor for building multi-DC infrastructures with Fat-Tree topology DCs
hypernodegraph - Variable in class services.Broker
hyper node VNF-graph
hypernodemapping - Variable in class services.Broker
hypernode mapping
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